
Within DENSE, we currently have one fully paid PhD research and training project open for a doctoral candidate (DC), as a part of a consortium of 12 doctoral candidates in total. The details are listed below.

The DENSE consortium invites highly-motivated, outstanding candidates to apply by following the application instructions detailed in the “Guide for Applicants” below. We particularly encourage female and LGBTQ+ researchers to apply for the DENSE position. Further details on the selection process are also provided in the “Guide for Applicants”. Please note that only applications that strictly comply with the application instructions detailed in the “Guide for Applicants” can be considered.

Open positions:


  • DC7: Robust and optimal planning of district heating networks for next-generation energy systems
    • Recruiting Organisation: Flemish Institute for Technological research (VITO)
    • Supervisors: Robbe Salenbien and Maarten Blommaert
    • Detailed Information